You need a marketing plan. It’s an essential part of your job as Director of Marketing for your business. Your marketing plan is a roadmap that will help you reach your goals. Just as you wouldn’t plan a road trip to Provo, Utah, without consulting GPS, Google Maps,...
female entrepreneur
I’m Changing My Email Newsletter
As the blog title suggests, I am changing my email newsletter! This is a big change for me, one I hope will help my community and streamline operations at Celestial University. When you make a strategy change, especially one that’s so visible, it can be scary. What if...
3 Books Every Female Entrepreneur Should Read To Get Louder In Her Business
What three books should every female entrepreneur read? It’s almost like choosing your favorite child because there are many helpful and wonderful books out there. I love to read non-fiction books that focus on marketing, business development, self-help, personal...
Is It Time To Write A Book?
About a month ago, I decided it was time to write a book. I have made this decision in the past, but this time, things are different. I am not writing this book as a lead magnet. I am not writing this book to attract more clients. I am not writing this book to please...
Should I Take The Risk?
How many times have you asked yourself this question as an entrepreneur: Should I take the risk? Starting your business was a risky move, and ever since then, you probably have encountered other risks. Some risks you may intuitively know how to handle, but other risks...
Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
If I had to sum up my advice to female entrepreneurs, it would be this: Get comfortable being uncomfortable. If you want to serve more clients, make more money, give more to charity, build your dream house – and any other result you’re looking for from your business –...
Maybe It’s A Fear of Success
A fear of success almost sounds like an oxymoron, right? Who would be scared of being successful? When you’re a success, you have clients, or lose weight, or make more money – all good things! Who would be scared of it? Trust me: The fear of success is real. I know...
Being A Loud Introvert
Earlier in 2020, I declared it was the Year of Loud Women, encouraging all women (including introverts) to get louder in their marketing. When I made this declaration, I had no idea what 2020 would bring us – from brushfires in Australia to a worldwide pandemic. In...
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