I wasn’t expecting a 5 a.m. voicemail filled with rage, expletives, and legal threats. But there it was—waiting for me, right after I had finished my morning routine. I pressed play, and a clipped, furious voice rang through my speakers: “I don’t know who you are, or...
email marketing
I’m Changing My Email Newsletter
As the blog title suggests, I am changing my email newsletter! This is a big change for me, one I hope will help my community and streamline operations at Celestial University. When you make a strategy change, especially one that’s so visible, it can be scary. What if...

Imagine getting a little inspirational note every day – one that’s catered to you as a spiritual, change-making female entrepreneur.
That’s the idea behind “Celestial Love Notes” – a daily inspirational love note from me to you, delivered right to your inbox!
If you could use more joy, love, and promise in your day, start your free subscription to Celestial Love Notes today.
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