Do you have trouble determining why your marketing is not working?
You are networking, writing emails, managing a Facebook group, posting to Instagram, doing coffee dates…and none of it seems to be working. When it comes time to get a client, you hear crickets.
So, how can you tell where the problem is?
While many factors affect the effectiveness of your marketing, I want to break down the “big three” in this week’s blog post. My intention is to teach you what to ask and analyze so you can market smarter, not harder.

Why isn’t your marketing working?
It’s important to know what is working—and not working—so you can constantly improve your marketing.
It’s often easy to spot what is working, but you may be unsure about what’s not working.
Many variables are at work when you’re marketing your business, and any of these could be the trouble spots. Let’s take a look at each one.
#1: You are not visible enough
Lack of visibility is almost always the reason why your marketing is not working. Sales and marketing is a numbers game. You have to get in front of a lot of people. And, I mean, a lot.
Money mindset expert Denise Duffield-Thomas cites that she has a 1% conversion from a landing page. This is an entrepreneur who has thousands of people on her email list.
I don’t mention this to scare you. It’s the reality of being an entrepreneur. Know who your ideal client is and move mountains to be with them (in great numbers!).
If you need ideas on increasing your visibility, read this blog post, where I list 45 ways to increase your visibility.
#2: Your messaging isn’t digging into the pain points
When you are selling something, it’s your job to convince your ideal clients to buy it. Many of your ideal clients will hesitate to purchase—mostly because of mindset issues.
To get them over the hump, your marketing messages must drill into the pain points of your ideal clients.
Before you sell another thing, make a list of your ideal clients’ pain points. Be sure to ask them. Then use that list to help you write marketing copy. Do this unapologetically. It’s how you take a stand for your ideal clients.
#3: You had an unclear call to action
Look at your marketing. Were you crystal clear about what you want your ideal client to do? Was it written so that a second grader could understand the next step?
We often get caught in listing the features and benefits of what we’re selling that we forget to make crystal-clear calls to action.
A confused buyer never buys. Don’t tiptoe around what you want your ideal client to do.
If you want them to buy your program, say “buy this.”. If you want them to fill out a form, say “fill this out.” If you want them to join your Facebook Group, say “click here to join.” Be clear. Be specific.
What to do next when your marketing isn’t working
I recommend drawing three columns on a sheet of paper. At the top of each column, write visibility, pain points, and call to action. Look at your most recent marketing campaign and brainstorm what happened with each of these reasons (positive or negative). Use this information to improve your next marketing campaign.
The good news is that all of these variables can be fixed. Don’t give up, okay? I am rooting for you!
More resources
Here are some other resources that will help you with your marketing and mindset:
My book, That First Client, which will teach you how to create an effective marketing system that will always attract clients to your business
My book, Loud Woman, which will inspire you to get Louder in your life and business
Check out my latest blog post about marketing, getting clients, and the Law of Attraction
Virtual Networkers, my global online networking organization for women entrepreneurs
Get More Clients Track, a year-long program that will teach you how the fundamentals of marketing so you’re always attracting clients
Manifest More Clients Track, a year-long program that will teach you how to use the Law of Attraction in your marketing
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