In most countries around the world, prices are up, wages are down, and citizens are tightening their belts. Inflation can make things harder for small business owners, but please don’t let it discourage you. You can still attract clients during inflation. Furthermore, you can still get paid what you’re worth.
In this blog post, I will share with you four specific marketing strategies that will help you attract clients during inflation.
While you are considering your marketing strategy, please consult with your financial expert (bookkeeper, accountant, financial coach) as well. These experts can help you determine how inflation affects other aspects of your business, such as expenses and pricing.
Ready to figure out how to attract clients during inflation? Let’s look at some marketing strategies that will help.

How do you attract clients during inflation? It may seem impossible. You may even think, “Why would anyone buy my products/services when it costs so much to buy food or put gas in the car?”
It’s a fair question, but here’s what you need to know: People are still buying, and they are still investing in themselves. And, people need what you offer. Don’t doubt these truths for a second, okay?
Here are some marketing strategies to consider to help you attract clients during inflation:
#1: Niche down
Believe it or not, often the best remedy for attracting clients is to “niche down.” What does that mean? It means you narrow your ideal client even more. When you have a specific niche, it’s easier to market and attract those people who need your services. For example, if you are a health coach, you could create a niche by only working with diabetic women over the age of 60, or cancer patients in chemotherapy, or triathletes who want to improve their times.
“The riches are in the niches” is an expression you may have heard before, and it’s definitely true. How can you narrow down your niche even more? It may seem counterintuitive to do this, but if you cast your net too wide, you won’t attract anyone.
#2: Share specific results
In your marketing, you want share specifically how you help people. You offer priceless, lifetime results. What are they? Use customer testimonials to help illustrate this point.
The job of your marketing right now is to explain why your ideal client needs you. Make a list of the specific benefits of working with you. Include the emotions your ideal client will experience from these benefits. For example, if you’re a graphic designer, you may list that your ideal client will have first-class, professional graphics—ones that will make her proud to display.
#3: Ask the tough question
When interacting with your ideal clients, tap into their imagination. In your marketing copy and sales conversations, ask one of these questions:
- “What will happen if you do make this investment?” or
- “What will happen if you don’t make this investment?”
I prefer the first question because it’s more positive. Paint a picture in your ideal client’s mind about what her life/business will look like after she works with you. Again, include emotions. People will buy if they can feel at peace, or happy, or relieved!
#4: Make sure you know marketing fundamentals
Marketing fundamentals are the foundation on which you need to build an inflation-proof business. Marketing fundamentals are the “tried and true” concepts that never go out of style and are always effective (no matter what’s going on in the economy). Here’s a short list of marketing fundamentals:
- Your ideal client persona
- Ways to increase your visibility
- Referral partners
- Basic marketing collateral (business cards, flyers, website)
- Powerful testimonials
- Pricing strategies
If it’s been awhile since you’ve learned or implemented marketing fundamentals, it’s time to dust this learning off. Chances are you invested in a program that taught you marketing fundamentals. Grab that workbook and go through it again.
If you didn’t invest in this type of course, or you need a refresher, please check out my course, Get More Clients. This course includes seven modules and a 90+-page workbook that will help you create an effective client attraction marketing system.
Okay, those are the four marketing strategies you need to attract clients to your business during inflation. I hope it helps you! Be sure to approach each tactic, one by one, so you can measure what’s working best for you.
Stay in faith. The inflation will smooth itself out. In the meantime, get visible and show people how you can help them!
More resources
Here are some other resources that will help you with your marketing and mindset:
My book, That First Client, which will teach you how to create an effective marketing system that will always attract clients to your business
My book, Loud Woman, which will inspire you to get Louder in your life and business
Check out my latest blog post about marketing, getting clients, and the Law of Attraction
Virtual Networkers, my global online networking organization for women entrepreneurs
Get More Clients Track, a year-long program that will teach you how the fundamentals of marketing so you’re always attracting clients
Manifest More Clients Track, a year-long program that will teach you how to use the Law of Attraction in your marketing
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