You’re invited to embrace
a unique way of networking
that is all about collaborations
and transformation
in a nurturing space.
Your sisterhood awaits! 

You’re invited to embrace
a unique way of networking
that is all about collaborations
and transformation
in a nurturing space.
Your sisterhood awaits! 

Virtual Networkers

Jill Celeste,
Founder of Virtual Networkers

Are you feeling stuck, wondering why your marketing efforts aren’t turning into clients? You’re networking, writing emails, posting on Instagram, managing your Facebook group, going on coffee dates—and yet, when it’s time to land a client, all you hear is…crickets.

So, how do you figure out where the breakdown is?

Many factors impact the effectiveness of your marketing, but I want to focus on the “big three” today. These are the core areas where things tend to go off track. My goal is to give you some practical insights so you can work smarter, not harder, with your marketing.

The Big Three: Why Your Marketing Isn’t Landing

You need to identify what’s working—and what’s not—so you can make the right adjustments. Often, it’s easy to spot the wins, but understanding why your efforts are falling flat? That’s where it gets tricky. Let’s dive into the three major culprits.

1. You’re Not Visible Enough

Visibility is almost always the reason why your marketing isn’t converting. At its core, marketing is a numbers game—you need to get in front of a lot of people. And I do mean a lot.

Take it from money mindset expert Denise Duffield-Thomas, who shares that she converts just 1% of visitors from her landing pages—this from an entrepreneur with thousands of people on her email list!

I’m not saying this to scare you, but to give you a dose of reality. You need to be where your ideal clients are, and in significant numbers. It’s all about showing up, again and again.

2. Your Messaging Isn’t Hitting the Pain Points

When you’re selling something, it’s your job to convince your ideal clients to buy. Many of them will hesitate—and it’s often due to mindset hurdles.

Your marketing messages need to dive deep into their pain points. Make a list of the problems your ideal clients face—better yet, ask them directly. Use this list to craft your marketing copy unapologetically. You’re here to help them, and sometimes that means being bold about the solutions you offer.

Remember, it’s not about being salesy—it’s about taking a stand for your clients and showing them the transformation they need.

3. Your Call to Action Isn’t Clear

Take a hard look at your marketing materials. Were you crystal clear about what you wanted your client to do next? Did you make the next step so simple that a second grader could follow it?

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in explaining all the benefits of what we’re offering that we forget to make a direct, no-nonsense call to action.

Remember: A confused buyer never buys. Don’t tiptoe around what you want them to do.

If you want them to join your program, say “Buy this.” If you want them to fill out a form, say “Fill this out.” If you want them to join your Facebook group, say “Click here to join.” Be specific. Be direct.

What to Do When Your Marketing Isn’t Working

Grab a piece of paper and draw three columns. Label them: visibility, pain points, and call to action. Review your last marketing campaign, and jot down what went well and what didn’t for each area. Use these insights to adjust and improve your next campaign.

Here’s the great news: Every one of these variables can be fixed. Don’t throw in the towel, okay? I am here for you—and rooting for your success!


Here are other resources to support your networking journey:

Virtual Networkers: My global virtual networking organization for women entrepreneurs.

Weekly Connect Newsletter: Subscribe for networking and marketing tips, plus the upcoming week’s Virtual Networkers schedule.

Celestial Love Notes: Begin your free subscription to my daily inspirational emails, full of love and empowerment.

My Book, That First Client: Learn how to create an effective marketing system that will always attract clients to your business.

My Book, Loud Woman: Get inspired to be louder in your life and business.