What does your perfect day look like as an entrepreneur?

It may surprise you that I even ask this question: What does this have to do with marketing?

Well, it’s a mindset question, and as you know, a fantastic mindset has everything to do with fantastic marketing results.

Besides, we often get so caught up in day-to-day activities, we lose sight of the big picture. The big picture of entrepreneurship has two parts: our “why” (how we serve others) and the betterment of our own lives.

Entrepreneurship is a journey unlike no other, and it should have its rewards. Knowing how you want to be rewarded – how you want to live your life – comes shining through when you think about your perfect day.

So, grab your journal and your pen, and let’s explore what your perfect day looks like.



Have you ever envisioned what your perfect day looked like as an entrepreneur?

It’s not something I had ever given a lot of thought to, until I was asked to visualize it as part of a mindset exercise. I turned on some relaxing music, got out my favorite pen and journal, and started to think about “Jill’s Perfect Day.”

As soon as my pen hit the paper, my perfect day flowed from me. I didn’t let fear, or outrageous ideas, or pride get in my way. I wrote about the type of bed I want to have, owning a new computer, exercising, eating healthy, journaling and serving my clients in the best way possible. My pen moved effortlessly as these thoughts ran through me. I smiled the entire time.

What I learned about my perfect day (and present day)

As I looked back over my perfect day, I was struck by how many things I listed that I could be doing right now (without needed additional money, space or resources), such as:

  • Exercise
  • Writing a to-do list every morning
  • Getting rid of my financial scarcity issues
  • Taking a lunch break away from my desk
  • Preparing healthy dinners
  • Serving my clients in the best ways possible
  • Journaling and meditating every evening

Really? Why am I waiting until I get rich to do these things?

I also discovered these other interesting takeaways:

  • I need a different (physical) work environment
  • I need to find resources to help with some of my family members
  • I want to open a virtual campus for female entrepreneurs
  • I want to write a life-changing book for spiritual entrepreneurs

Now, it’s your turn.

What does your perfect day look like?

Take time today and write down what your perfect day looks like. If writing is not your thing, use photos or create a slide deck. Then, make a commitment to read your perfect day summary every day to get it planted firmly in your mind (and don’t hesitate to revise it because we are constantly evolving!).

To grow as an entrepreneur, you need the best mindset. Creating a vision about your perfect day is one step toward an even better mindset. Please let me know in the comments below what you discovered when you did this exercise!