6 Ideas For Taking Your Marketing To The Next Level by Jill CelesteTo get louder as a female entrepreneur, you may be thinking about ways to take your marketing to the next level. Let’s face it: Sometimes getting louder means “going big” – and doing things outside of your comfort zone.

While there’s nothing wrong with doing the marketing activities you’re currently implementing, to reach more ideal clients, you may need to amplify your reach. And to amplify your reach, it may be time to kick your marketing up a notch.

Here’s my advice: Take a look at the six ideas I’ve listed below, and then ask yourself two questions:

  1. Which one sounds like fun to implement?
  2. Which one scares the crap out of you?

If one of these ideas appears as the answer to both questions, your intuition is telling you something!

Let’s do this!


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The secret to taking your business to the next level is to get out of your comfort zone. - Jill Celeste


Marketing your business and expertise isn’t about doing the same things all the time. Yes, you want to turn up the volume on what’s working for your business, but you also need to stretch out of your comfort zone. You want to go bigger with your marketing to help extend your reach and reputation.

So, how do you do that? Check out this list of six ideas for taking your marketing to the next level. Which one excites you – and scares you – the most? That’s the one to tackle!

#1: Write a book

Nothing says “I am an expert” like authoring a book about your niche. And with the popularity of ebooks, you can self-publish an ebook to reach a bigger audience without waiting for a nearly-impossible-to-get book deal. Make sure, though, that you invest in a good editor for your ebook. Typos, misspelled words and incorrect grammar are real turn-offs and will hurt your credibility as an expert.

#2: Teach a class

Between online classes and face-to-face instruction, teaching a class is another great way to go bold with your marketing. You can create an online course, or teach in-person workshops where you charge a fee for a half-day or daylong class. Also, check out local colleges and universities to explore opportunities for adjunct professor positions.

#3: Find paying speaking opportunities

The keynote speakers you see at conferences aren’t there for free; they have charged the conference sponsor for their time and knowledge (and are often well compensated). After you’ve done a host of free events, start looking for paying speaking opportunities. Check out local speakers’ bureaus and then expand to national ones (use Google to find the best speaking bureaus for you). Also, make sure you’ve created a “signature talk” that you can deliver at a moment’s notice. With a presentation in your back pocket, you’ll be more confident in finding speaking opportunities.

#4: Create a professional group or organization

Does your niche have a professional organization? If not, here’s a golden opportunity to grow your business while generating income. Create a professional group or organization with membership fees and benefits. Most groups start out at a local level and then grow from there. You may also want to reach out to other leaders in your niche for their assistance in growing your association.

#5: Land a media interview

Having a journalist interview you as an expert in your field can boost your brand exponentially. First, research local and national journalists who report on stories similar to your niche. Then, begin reaching out to them. Don’t start with a pitch, though. This is an exercise in relationship building. Get to know the reporter, and over time, let him know that you would be happy to help him if the journalist ever needs an expert in your field. The idea is to lend a helping hand, being a time-saver who can assist the reporter when he is against a deadline.

#6: Start a podcast

Podcasting is hot, and it’s a fantastic way to take your marketing to the next level. A podcast allows you to interview experts, who then share your interview with her community. And you can repurpose your podcast into a video, blog post, smaller audio soundbites, and more. Podcasts also allow you to share your expertise in an easy-to-consume way. If your ideal clients listen to podcasts, this may be something to research further.

Now that you have six ideas to consider, it’s time to decide which one you want to implement. After selecting one, do some research before taking the plunge. Perhaps take an on-demand course or hire an expert to help you get your new marketing tactic off the ground. I wish you lots of success as you work on taking your marketing to the next level. As always, I am rooting for you!

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